The Top 3 Smartwatches to Stay Active While Working From Home

It’s official – 2020 is the worst year ever. And I know when I say that, I speak for everyone. From the bushfires in Australia to the terrible pandemic we are all at the mercy of, 2020 has changed the world – and not in a good way.
But if you’re someone like me who has been trying to adopt a more active lifestyle even while working at home, you know that I’m not gonna let this stop me from achieving my fitness goals.
So the question is: “How can I make the most out of working from home when I can’t go outside and all the gyms have shut down?” That’s when I realized that there was a device that could enable me to carry on amidst all the doom and gloom – a Smartwatch!
Now with the plethora of different smartwatches on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one to go for. Sure, you can always opt to buy the most popular one if you don’t want to put that much thinking into it but I like to get my money’s worth. And so I did some research and I’ve come up with a list of the top 3 Smartwatches currently available on the market.

Ease of use: 90%
Battery Life: 95%
Price: $
Overall: A
The Smartwatch from this up-and-coming company has started to gain a lot of positive feedback from customers worldwide. It has all you need from all-day activity tracking, heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, call and text notifications and is compatible with both iPhone and Android smartphones. It also has a battery life of up to 30 days, which is unheard of since other smartwatches would need to be charged every 1 or 2 days. But the best part about the Spade & Co 2020 Smartwatch is that you get all these amazing features without burning a hole in your pocket. Usually going with a cheaper option means you’ll be getting a product that’s unreliable but not with this watch. Also, it has just the right balance between style and simplicity that you can wear it whether you’re working out or working from home. (That’s a great selling point, too!)

UPDATE: It looks like there is a time-limited offer where you can get the Spade & Co Smartwatch for half the price. This could be a good deal to take advantage of while they have it.

Ease of use: 85%
Battery Life: 30%
Price: $
Overall: B+
Apple products are one of the well-known brands when talking about quality. But at the same time, they’re also recognized for products that come at a steep price. There are no questions about the durability of their Apple Watch Series 5 and the number of features it has compared to others. But sometimes, I find myself asking what else could I have bought with that money? Then again, if you don’t mind splurging on a watch, then this Smartwatch is for you.

Ease of use: 70%
Battery Life: 50%
Price: $$$
Overall: B-
Fitbit has been around since 2007 and they’re the usual go-to for all gadgets fitness-related. Since their brand is focused on trackers, smartwatches, and wireless-enabled wearable technology devices that measure data, you won’t find yourself doubting the durability of their products. They’re also the one with the smartwatches that have more usable features, in my opinion. To sum it all up, Fitbit’s watch is tried and tested, but still a bit high-priced for some.
Why We Chose Spade & Co 2020 Smartwatch
The Spade & Co Smartwatch offers unique features that will help you stay healthy throughout the day.
It Reminds You to Stand Up!

It’s been well-established that spending most of your day sitting is a health risk. Studies show that long periods of sitting are directly related to an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Additionally, sedentary days have also been a common factor in increased anxiety. Individuals working from home for are more in danger of developing a number of these problems because they often work longer hours from a desk and chair. Thus it’s necessary to take time off from sitting and move throughout the day which will greatly reduce the risk of these diseases.
With the 2020 Spade & Co Smartwatch, you can set a reminder to stand up to break the pattern of extended sitting. With just this one simple feature, you can avoid nasty hazards to your health and get a better feeling from working from home…
It Tracks Your Activity

Regardless of your fitness level, true progress can only be achieved if you measure it. For people serious about fitness and health, it is necessary to know where they are in their fitness journey so they can make adjustments on the intensity and duration of exercises. Of course, you can do your routines and reps but if you aren’t tracking your activity, you won’t know whether you are at the rate you want to be.
The good news though is that the 2020 Space & Co Smartwatch helps fitness enthusiasts by providing accurate data measurements and numbers that will help make data analysis more concrete instead of just relying on your feeling. Even without access to gym equipment technology, you can make great progress even while at home!
It Measures Your Heart Rate Throughout the Day and Learn to Relax

When talking about heart rate, it’s important to remember that you want a heart rate that’s not too fast and not too slow. If your heart rate isn’t at the normal levels it should be, it could be a sign of a heart disease.
Individuals who work from home and don’t have the necessary tools to track their heart rate can use the tracker on the Spade & Co 2020 Smartwatch. With it, you can get an average of what your heart rate is and see if there are any discrepancies throughout the day or week. You can also use it for measuring your heart rate when doing certain activities and see if there are any that your heart is having difficulties with.
Ready to take a break? There is also a relax mode that will guide you through simple breathing exercises!
It Even Tracks Your Sleep!

Sleep tracking is a must for anyone that frequently wakes up at night, too sleepy during the day, or wants to optimize their performance.
The Spade & Co 2020 Smartwatch sleep tracking helps give you a general idea of how deep or disruptive your sleep is, your total sleep time, and even your sleep/wake cycles. From this data, you can understand whether or not you need to consult a sleep specialist to get advice on how you can sleep better.